Make sure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements.Quit any applications that are running, including all Office applications, Microsoft Messenger, and Office Notifications, because they might interfere with the installation.Print this page if you want to use it as a reference when you are offline.We suggest using an earlier operating system to download this updater if you choose not to use Microsoft AutoUpdate. Microsoft AutoUpdate continues to provide you with verified secure updates to your machine, and is still the easiest way to get updates to your machine. With the recent change in the Apple operating system 10.8, Microsoft's older updaters do not provide the security handshake needed with Apple's additional security measures. In the dialog box, compare the version number next to Latest Installed Update. For example, open Word, and then on the Word menu, click About Word. Note To verify that you have installed this update, you can open any Microsoft Office 2011 application to check the version number. Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 Service Pack 1 (14.1.0): You can download this update for free from the Microsoft Web Site.Note To verify that your computer meets these minimum requirements, on the Apple menu, click About This Mac. Operating System Versions: Mac OS X version 10.5.8 or a later version of Mac OS.